L892_g16352 (Steinernema scapterisci)

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source
PF09271 (LAG1-DNAbind) IPR015351 L892_g16352 T166435_2.00 WormBase:ParaSite (2015-Oct-22)

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No TFs with similar DNA binding domains

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
L892_g16352.t1 CSL 142 289


Other CSL family TFs
Other Steinernema scapterisci TFs

18 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
ENSVPAG00000005031 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000005031 I 0.833
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RBPJ Homo sapiens ENSG00000168214 D 0.812
L892_g25338 Steinernema scapterisci L892_g25338 N 0.776
L596_g13731 Steinernema carpocapsae L596_g13731 N 0.769
BTMF_0000429201 Brugia timori BTMF_0000429201 I 0.762
L893_g21237 Steinernema glaseri L893_g21237 N 0.762
L898_g29972 Steinernema monticolum L898_g29972 N 0.762
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SMUV_0001013801 Syphacia muris SMUV_0001013801 I 0.727
Sjc_0108400 Schistosoma japonicum Sjc_0108400 I 0.722
D915_08967 Fasciola hepatica D915_08967 I 0.722
SCUD_0000326701 Schistosoma curassoni SCUD_0000326701 I 0.722
SMRZ_0000802101 Schistosoma margrebowiei SMRZ_0000802101 I 0.722
SMTD_0001089601 Schistosoma mattheei SMTD_0001089601 I 0.722
TRE_0000568701 Trichobilharzia regenti TRE_0000568701 I 0.722
NECAME_17145 Necator americanus NECAME_17145 I 0.714
GPLIN_001569000 Globodera pallida GPLIN_001569000 I 0.706