GRMZM2G029933 (Zea mays)

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF02536 (mTERF) IPR003690 GRMZM2G029933 T262776_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No TFs with similar DNA binding domains

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
GRMZM2G029933_P01 mTERF 61 137
GRMZM2G029933_P01 mTERF 139 447
GRMZM2G029933_P02 mTERF 1 70
GRMZM2G029933_P03 mTERF 1 45
GRMZM2G029933_P03 mTERF 41 224


Other mTERF family TFs
Other Zea mays TFs

19 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
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fgenesh1_pg.00107_#_3 Aspergillus carbonarius fgenesh1_pg.00107_#_3 I
W97_00460 Coniosporium apollinis W97_00460 I
U727_0043359041 Penicillium solitum U727_0043359041 I
SBOR_5661 Sclerotinia borealis SBOR_5661 I
PITC_007670 Penicillium italicum PITC_007670 I
PEX1_004520 Penicillium expansum PEX1_004520 I
PDIP_86520 Penicillium digitatum PDIP_86520 I
PDE_06962 Penicillium oxalicum PDE_06962 I
PCH_Pc22g09340 Penicillium rubens PCH_Pc22g09340 I
MPH_03438 Macrophomina phaseolina MPH_03438 I
M438DRAFT_271475 Aureobasidium pullulans M438DRAFT_271475 I
M437DRAFT_40376 Aureobasidium melanogenum M437DRAFT_40376 I
AOL_s00006g80 Arthrobotrys oligospora AOL_s00006g80 I
EV44_g1249 Erysiphe necator EV44_g1249 I
EURHEDRAFT_459274 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_459274 I
NFIA_082070 Neosartorya fischeri CADNFIAG00007053 I
ATEG_06724 Aspergillus terreus CADATEAG00007661 I
CADAORAG00000578 Aspergillus oryzae CADAORAG00000578 I
CADANGAG00009177 Aspergillus niger CADANGAG00009177 I
AFUA_2G05310 Aspergillus fumigatus CADAFUAG00003857 I
CADAFLAG00010000 Aspergillus flavus CADAFLAG00010000 I
ACLA_089350 Aspergillus clavatus CADACLAG00008334 I
BGHDH14_bgh02666 Blumeria graminis BGHDH14_bgh02666 I
Bcin12g01230 Botrytis cinerea Bcin12g01230 I
AUEXF2481DRAFT_69893 Aureobasidium subglaciale AUEXF2481DRAFT_69893 I