Scan single sequences for TF binding
Scan a DNA sequence for potential binding sites
Click for sample
Motif model Threshold
Scan TFs in my cart
Scan two sequences for differential TF binding
SNP Scan
Click for sample
Allele 1

Allele 2
Motif model Threshold
8 mers - Escores 0.45
Scan TFs in my cart
Protein Scan
Scan an amino acid sequence to predict its DNA binding motif
Click for sample
Motif Scan
Compare a given motif to all TFs in the database
Click for PWM, Alignment, IUPAC

Compare TF binding specificities
Scatterplots of E-Scores & Z-Scores for two PBM experiments
PBM Experiment 1

PBM Experiment 2

Current database contents: 165030 TFs with at least one binding motif (4559 from direct experiments), out of a total of 392333 Eukaryotic TFs from 321 families in 741 species