CADAFLAG00012297 (Aspergillus flavus)
Zinc cluster

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF00172 (Zn_clus) IPR001138 CADAFLAG00012297 T361180_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
Aspergillus nidulans

Lambert et al.(2019)
0.556 0.541
For this family, TFs with SR scores > 0.537 will likely have a similar motif

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
CADAFLAP00012297 Zinc cluster 10 46


Other Zinc cluster family TFs
Other Aspergillus flavus TFs

111 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
ANIA_06846 Aspergillus nidulans CADANIAG00007644 D 0.556
CIMG_04661 Coccidioides immitis CIMG_04661 I 0.556
MCYG_05833 Microsporum canis MCYG_05833 I 0.556
SNOG_00909 Stagonospora nodorum SNOG_00909 I 0.564
A1O3_07754 Capronia epimyces A1O3_07754 I 0.539
A1O7_01132 Cladophialophora yegresii A1O7_01132 I 0.563
A1O9_01837 Exophiala aquamarina A1O9_01837 I 0.539
AUEXF2481DRAFT_456199 Aureobasidium subglaciale AUEXF2481DRAFT_456199 I 0.539
BBA_09836 Beauveria bassiana BBA_09836 I 0.545
Bcin10g01580 Botrytis cinerea Bcin10g01580 I 0.542
BDDG_02031 Blastomyces dermatitidis BDDG_02031 I 0.556
ACLA_040090 Aspergillus clavatus CADACLAG00003413 I 0.552
ANIA_05691 Aspergillus nidulans CADANIAG00003374 I 0.540
CADAORAG00004258 Aspergillus oryzae CADAORAG00004258 I 0.683
NFIA_065070 Neosartorya fischeri CADNFIAG00006114 I 0.552
CaO19.1168 Candida albicans CaO19.1168 I 0.563
CaO19.8761 Candida albicans CaO19.8761 I 0.563
CD36_10810 Candida dubliniensis CD36_10810 I 0.563
CGGC5_2205 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides CGGC5_2205 I 0.540
CGGC5_8784 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides CGGC5_8784 I 0.563
COCC4DRAFT_19355 Bipolaris maydis COCC4DRAFT_19355 I 0.547
COCCADRAFT_32122 Bipolaris zeicola COCCADRAFT_32122 I 0.547
COCMIDRAFT_24418 Bipolaris oryzae COCMIDRAFT_24418 I 0.547
COCSADRAFT_306311 Bipolaris sorokiniana COCSADRAFT_306311 I 0.547
COCVIDRAFT_12188 Bipolaris victoriae COCVIDRAFT_12188 I 0.547
CTRG_03493 Candida tropicalis CTRG_03493 I 0.577
DEHA2C03058g Debaryomyces hansenii DEHA2C03058g I 0.593
EURHEDRAFT_226967 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_226967 I 0.573
EURHEDRAFT_447990 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_447990 I 0.559
EURHEDRAFT_528519 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_528519 I 0.556
FIBRA_03539 Fibroporia radiculosa FIBRA_03539 I 0.539
G210_5732 Candida maltosa G210_5732 I 0.563
G647_01190 Cladophialophora carrionii G647_01190 I 0.577
GALMADRAFT_249209 Galerina marginata GALMADRAFT_249209 I 0.539
GGTG_05803 Gaeumannomyces graminis GGTG_05803 I 0.565
GMDG_04293 Pseudogymnoascus destructans GMDG_04293 I 0.543
H101_03862 Trichophyton interdigitale H101_03862 I 0.556
HMPREF1120_08148 Exophiala dermatitidis HMPREF1120_08148 I 0.540
HMPREF1541_00116 Cyphellophora europaea HMPREF1541_00116 I 0.563
HPODL_02161 Ogataea parapolymorpha HPODL_02161 I 0.551
KUCA_T00002773001 Kuraishia capsulata KUCA_T00002773001 I 0.539
LEMA_P120870.1 Leptosphaeria maculans LEMA_P120870.1 I 0.539
M378DRAFT_197822 Amanita muscaria M378DRAFT_197822 I 0.539
M413DRAFT_441943 Hebeloma cylindrosporum M413DRAFT_441943 I 0.539
M438DRAFT_344531 Aureobasidium pullulans M438DRAFT_344531 I 0.539
MAJ_10813 Metarhizium majus MAJ_10813 I 0.540
MAPG_04101 Magnaporthe poae MAPG_04101 I 0.551
MBM_00253 Marssonina brunnea MBM_00253 I 0.588
MCYG_05833 Arthroderma otae MCYG_05833 I 0.556
MGYG_06143 Microsporum gypseum MGYG_06143 I 0.556
Moror_6819 Moniliophthora roreri Moror_6819 I 0.539
MPH_01921 Macrophomina phaseolina MPH_01921 I 0.581
OIDMADRAFT_57009 Oidiodendron maius OIDMADRAFT_57009 I 0.586
PAXRUDRAFT_132889 Paxillus rubicundulus PAXRUDRAFT_132889 I 0.547
PCH_Pc12g14900 Penicillium rubens PCH_Pc12g14900 I 0.577
PDE_09179 Penicillium oxalicum PDE_09179 I 0.547
PEX1_066340 Penicillium expansum PEX1_066340 I 0.556
PICST_32615 Scheffersomyces stipitis PICST_32615 I 0.577
PILCRDRAFT_51 Piloderma croceum PILCRDRAFT_51 I 0.539
PITC_033600 Penicillium italicum PITC_033600 I 0.556
PLEOSDRAFT_158391 Pleurotus ostreatus PLEOSDRAFT_158391 I 0.539
PTRG_07169 Pyrenophora triticirepentis PTRG_07169 I 0.547
PTT_16310 Pyrenophora teres PTT_16310 I 0.547
PV04_00855 Capronia semiimmersa PV04_00855 I 0.563
PV04_10066 Capronia semiimmersa PV04_10066 I 0.565
PV05_03582 Exophiala xenobiotica PV05_03582 I 0.562
PV06_07392 Exophiala oligosperma PV06_07392 I 0.542
PV06_08141 Exophiala oligosperma PV06_08141 I 0.576
PV07_01614 Cladophialophora immunda PV07_01614 I 0.565
PV08_06966 Exophiala spinifera PV08_06966 I 0.547
PV10_02783 Exophiala mesophila PV10_02783 I 0.546
PV10_06359 Exophiala mesophila PV10_06359 I 0.539
PVAR5_5942 Byssochlamys spectabilis PVAR5_5942 I 0.556
S40288_10288 Stachybotrys chartarum S40288_10288 I 0.560
SAPIO_CDS8046 Scedosporium apiospermum SAPIO_CDS8046 I 0.563
SBOR_6332 Sclerotinia borealis SBOR_6332 I 0.542
SERLA73DRAFT_159962 Serpula lacrymans SERLA73DRAFT_159962 I 0.539
SPAPADRAFT_61489 Spathaspora passalidarum SPAPADRAFT_61489 I 0.577
TEQG_06790 Trichophyton equinum TEQG_06790 I 0.556
TESG_06981 Trichophyton tonsurans TESG_06981 I 0.556
TSTA_020390 Talaromyces stipitatus TSTA_020390 I 0.539
U727_00434270371 Penicillium solitum U727_00434270371 I 0.556
W97_02535 Coniosporium apollinis W97_02535 I 0.547
Z517_04525 Fonsecaea pedrosoi Z517_04525 I 0.563
estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_40169 Cochliobolus heterostrophus C5 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_40169 I 0.547
fgenesh1_pg.C_chr_6.1000096 Pichia stipitis fgenesh1_pg.C_chr_6.1000096 I 0.577
e_gw1.00710.51.1 Aspergillus carbonarius e_gw1.00710.51.1 I 0.542
Kwal_6732 Kluyveromyces waltii Kwal_6732 I 0.548
Pc12g14900 Penicillium chrysogenum Pc12g14900 I 0.577
A1O5_08185 Cladophialophora psammophila A1O5_08185 N 0.567
AFUA_5G01460 Aspergillus fumigatus CADAFUAG00002865 N 0.545
ANIA_06837 Aspergillus nidulans CADANIAG00007635 N 0.544
ATEG_08244 Aspergillus terreus CADATEAG00003887 N 0.543
FFUJ_12947 Fusarium fujikuroi FFUJ_12947 N 0.555
MAC_00726 Metarhizium acridum MAC_00726 N 0.549
MAJ_01716 Metarhizium majus MAJ_01716 N 0.549
MAM_03911 Metarhizium album MAM_03911 N 0.549
MANI_013399 Metarhizium anisopliae MANI_013399 N 0.552
MANI_020691 Metarhizium anisopliae MANI_020691 N 0.549
MBR_00349 Metarhizium brunneum MBR_00349 N 0.549
MGU_01192 Metarhizium guizhouense MGU_01192 N 0.549
PDE_06431 Penicillium oxalicum PDE_06431 N 0.572
PV06_11710 Exophiala oligosperma PV06_11710 N 0.545
PV07_04955 Cladophialophora immunda PV07_04955 N 0.567
PV10_09026 Exophiala mesophila PV10_09026 N 0.560
SAPIO_CDS4281 Scedosporium apiospermum SAPIO_CDS4281 N 0.540
V565_050950 Rhizoctonia solani V565_050950 N 0.540
VHEMI02369 Torrubiella hemipterigena VHEMI02369 N 0.540
X797_005336 Metarhizium robertsii X797_005336 N 0.549
Z518_01507 Rhinocladiella mackenziei Z518_01507 N 0.554
Z519_09408 Cladophialophora bantiana Z519_09408 N 0.567