PV06_05595 (Exophiala oligosperma)
Zinc cluster

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF00172 (Zn_clus) IPR001138 PV06_05595 T380627_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
Aspergillus nidulans

Lambert et al.(2019)
0.580 0.763
For this family, TFs with SR scores > 0.537 will likely have a similar motif

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
KIW42004 Zinc cluster 34 71
KIW42005 Zinc cluster 34 71


Other Zinc cluster family TFs
Other Exophiala oligosperma TFs

61 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
ANIA_01848 Aspergillus nidulans CADANIAG00008499 D 0.580
HMPREF1120_00298 Exophiala dermatitidis HMPREF1120_00298 I 0.666
MCYG_02108 Arthroderma otae MCYG_02108 I 0.580
HMPREF1541_06468 Cyphellophora europaea HMPREF1541_06468 I 0.610
CIMG_07923 Coccidioides immitis CIMG_07923 I 0.622
MGYG_03046 Microsporum gypseum MGYG_03046 I 0.580
PAAG_06446 Paracoccidioides sp lutzii PAAG_06446 I 0.553
PABG_02841 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis PABG_02841 I 0.553
PDE_05453 Penicillium oxalicum PDE_05453 I 0.597
PDIP_71760 Penicillium digitatum PDIP_71760 I 0.580
PITC_025970 Penicillium italicum PITC_025970 I 0.562
PV04_00230 Capronia semiimmersa PV04_00230 I 0.664
PV05_09886 Exophiala xenobiotica PV05_09886 I 0.664
PV07_09358 Cladophialophora immunda PV07_09358 I 0.664
PV08_01386 Exophiala spinifera PV08_01386 I 0.683
PV09_07171 Verruconis gallopava PV09_07171 I 0.603
PV10_01961 Exophiala mesophila PV10_01961 I 0.664
PV11_09346 Exophiala sideris PV11_09346 I 0.624
TEQG_01149 Trichophyton equinum TEQG_01149 I 0.580
TESG_07954 Trichophyton tonsurans TESG_07954 I 0.580
TRV_02966 Trichophyton verrucosum TRV_02966 I 0.580
UREG_02223 Uncinocarpus reesii UREG_02223 I 0.622
Z517_02285 Fonsecaea pedrosoi Z517_02285 I 0.664
Z518_04968 Rhinocladiella mackenziei Z518_04968 I 0.664
Z519_04625 Cladophialophora bantiana Z519_04625 I 0.681
AB07871.1 Alternaria brassicicola AB07871.1 I 0.561
e_gw1.00609.122.1 Aspergillus carbonarius e_gw1.00609.122.1 I 0.580
CADANGAG00004451 Aspergillus niger CADANGAG00004451 I 0.580
MCYG_02108 Microsporum canis MCYG_02108 I 0.580
A1O1_01225 Capronia coronata A1O1_01225 I 0.636
A1O3_08807 Capronia epimyces A1O3_08807 I 0.636
A1O5_06113 Cladophialophora psammophila A1O5_06113 I 0.681
A1O7_01699 Cladophialophora yegresii A1O7_01699 I 0.640
A1O9_00139 Exophiala aquamarina A1O9_00139 I 0.664
BDDG_05536 Blastomyces dermatitidis BDDG_05536 I 0.553
ACLA_048970 Aspergillus clavatus CADACLAG00004962 I 0.580
CADAFLAG00001948 Aspergillus flavus CADAFLAG00001948 I 0.580
CADAFLAG00004078 Aspergillus flavus CADAFLAG00004078 I 0.560
AFUA_4G09710 Aspergillus fumigatus CADAFUAG00008093 I 0.580
HCBG_08145 Histoplasma capsulatum HCBG_08145 I 0.553
CADAORAG00001789 Aspergillus oryzae CADAORAG00001789 I 0.580
ATEG_00770 Aspergillus terreus CADATEAG00007541 I 0.580
H105_03557 Trichophyton soudanense H105_03557 I 0.580
H102_03533 Trichophyton rubrum H102_03533 I 0.580
H101_05391 Trichophyton interdigitale H101_05391 I 0.580
G647_10121 Cladophialophora carrionii G647_10121 I 0.640
EURHEDRAFT_407958 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_407958 I 0.580
EPUS_03517 Endocarpon pusillum EPUS_03517 I 0.586
CPC735_019860 Coccidioides posadasii CPC735_019860 I 0.622
NFIA_106320 Neosartorya fischeri CADNFIAG00009607 I 0.580
ATEG_03734 Aspergillus terreus CADATEAG00005983 I 0.583
SEPMUDRAFT_151232 Sphaerulina musiva SEPMUDRAFT_151232 N 0.541
DOTSEDRAFT_138917 Dothistroma septosporum DOTSEDRAFT_138917 N 0.541
BAUCODRAFT_39381 Baudoinia compniacensis BAUCODRAFT_39381 N 0.541
UCRNP2_4393 Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2_4393 N 0.558
Mycgr3G73671 Zymoseptoria tritici Mycgr3G73671 N 0.541
MYCFIDRAFT_72110 Pseudocercospora fijiensis MYCFIDRAFT_72110 N 0.566
MPH_07854 Macrophomina phaseolina MPH_07854 N 0.558
estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_110020 Mycosphaerella fijiensis estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_110020 N 0.566
estExt_Genewise1Plus.C_chr_70131 Mycosphaerella graminicola estExt_Genewise1Plus.C_chr_70131 N 0.541