HCOI01137300 (Haemonchus contortus)

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source
PF00046 (Homeobox) IPR001356 HCOI01137300 T234205_2.00 WormBase:ParaSite (2015-Oct-22)

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No TFs with similar DNA binding domains

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
HCOI01137300.t1 Homeodomain 72 123


Other Homeodomain family TFs
Other Haemonchus contortus TFs

34 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
AGAP009986 Anopheles gambiae AGAP009986 D 0.647
Gfo_R005354 Geospiza fortis Gfo_R005354 I 0.614
PXEA_0002454601 Protopolystoma xenopodis PXEA_0002454601 I 0.604
L898_g17064 Steinernema monticolum L898_g17064 I 0.625
L892_g27282 Steinernema scapterisci L892_g27282 I 0.625
L596_g21727 Steinernema carpocapsae L596_g21727 I 0.623
ECPE_0000388901 Echinostoma caproni ECPE_0000388901 I 0.602
D915_05481 Fasciola hepatica D915_05481 I 0.613
D915_04768 Fasciola hepatica D915_04768 I 0.602
D915_00592 Fasciola hepatica D915_00592 I 0.604
AMAM020176 Anopheles maculatus AMAM020176 I 0.647
AARA003790 Anopheles arabiensis AARA003790 I 0.647
Brh_R000015 Buceros rhinoceros Brh_R000015 I 0.602
Afo_R011092 Aptenodytes forsteri Afo_R011092 I 0.610
Aan_R003869 Calypte anna Aan_R003869 I 0.606
Aqu1.225495 Amphimedon queenslandica Aqu1.225495 I 0.602
ENSAMXG00000000335 Astyanax mexicanus ENSAMXG00000000335 I 0.616
IRX3 Dasypus novemcinctus ENSDNOG00000012985 I 0.604
irx7 Gasterosteus aculeatus ENSGACG00000011160 I 0.616
ENSMEUG00000004557 Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG00000004557 I 0.604
ENSPFOG00000006638 Poecilia formosa ENSPFOG00000006638 I 0.603
irx7 Takifugu rubripes ENSTRUG00000007926 I 0.603
ENSXMAG00000012663 Xiphophorus maculatus ENSXMAG00000012663 I 0.603
HelroG153600 Helobdella robusta HelroG153600 I 0.624
HMEL002096 Heliconius melpomene HMEL002096 I 0.604
SMAR002833 Strigamia maritima SMAR002833 I 0.613
Aan_R015659 Calypte anna Aan_R015659 I 0.610
DICVIV_07073 Dictyocaulus viviparus DICVIV_07073 N 0.855
GPLIN_001377400 Globodera pallida GPLIN_001377400 N 0.626
Minc00734 Meloidogyne incognita Minc00734 N 0.616
LOAG_18384 Loa loa LOAG_18384 N 0.651
MhA1_Contig657.frz3.gene1 Meloidogyne hapla MhA1_Contig657.frz3.gene1 N 0.612
NBR_0001052001 Nippostrongylus brasiliensis NBR_0001052001 N 0.867
nDi.2.2.2.g04928 Dirofilaria immitis nDi.2.2.2.g04928 N 0.651