HMPREF1120_04521 (Exophiala dermatitidis)
Zinc cluster

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF00172 (Zn_clus) IPR001138 HMPREF1120_04521 T370748_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
Neurospora crassa

Weirauch et al.(2014)
0.545 0.744
For this family, TFs with SR scores > 0.537 will likely have a similar motif

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
EHY56439 Zinc cluster 88 131


Other Zinc cluster family TFs
Other Exophiala dermatitidis TFs

48 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
A1O3_04293 Capronia epimyces A1O3_04293 I 0.683
A1O7_01995 Cladophialophora yegresii A1O7_01995 I 0.682
G647_09808 Cladophialophora carrionii G647_09808 I 0.682
PV05_07615 Exophiala xenobiotica PV05_07615 I 0.676
PV11_03661 Exophiala sideris PV11_03661 I 0.675
A1O1_07066 Capronia coronata A1O1_07066 I 0.626
Z518_02716 Rhinocladiella mackenziei Z518_02716 I 0.626
A1O5_10209 Cladophialophora psammophila A1O5_10209 I 0.625
A1O9_06812 Exophiala aquamarina A1O9_06812 I 0.625
PV04_02180 Capronia semiimmersa PV04_02180 I 0.625
PV07_02470 Cladophialophora immunda PV07_02470 I 0.625
PV08_03320 Exophiala spinifera PV08_03320 I 0.625
Z517_00073 Fonsecaea pedrosoi Z517_00073 I 0.625
Z519_10875 Cladophialophora bantiana Z519_10875 I 0.625
PV06_07810 Exophiala oligosperma PV06_07810 I 0.617
PV10_03650 Exophiala mesophila PV10_03650 I 0.617
HMPREF1541_02301 Cyphellophora europaea HMPREF1541_02301 I 0.615
SBOR_7232 Sclerotinia borealis SBOR_7232 I 0.614
SS1G_04244 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum SS1G_04244 I 0.614
EPUS_02832 Endocarpon pusillum EPUS_02832 I 0.609
EURHEDRAFT_501316 Aspergillus ruber EURHEDRAFT_501316 I 0.599
EV44_g6209 Erysiphe necator EV44_g6209 I 0.595
ACLA_065940 Aspergillus clavatus CADACLAG00006177 I 0.593
Bcin01g03660 Botrytis cinerea Bcin01g03660 I 0.592
OIDMADRAFT_102454 Oidiodendron maius OIDMADRAFT_102454 I 0.585
AFUA_7G01640 Aspergillus fumigatus CADAFUAG00001034 I 0.564
NFIA_114330 Neosartorya fischeri CADNFIAG00010501 I 0.564
TSTA_024030 Talaromyces stipitatus TSTA_024030 N 0.564
SEPMUDRAFT_10235 Sphaerulina musiva SEPMUDRAFT_10235 N 0.563
fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_9000379 Mycosphaerella fijiensis fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_9000379 N 0.563
ACRE_069740 Acremonium chrysogenum ACRE_069740 I 0.562
CADANGAG00009556 Aspergillus niger CADANGAG00009556 I 0.561
MBM_09965 Marssonina brunnea MBM_09965 I 0.561
UCRPA7_119 Togninia minima UCRPA7_119 I 0.561
e_gw1.00868.17.1 Aspergillus carbonarius e_gw1.00868.17.1 I 0.561
estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_60443 Cryphonectria parasitica estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_60443 I 0.561
BGHDH14_bgh02635 Blumeria graminis BGHDH14_bgh02635 I 0.550
ATEG_01777 Aspergillus terreus CADATEAG00002011 I 0.550
PVAR5_4882 Byssochlamys spectabilis PVAR5_4882 I 0.547
NEUTE1DRAFT_126529 Neurospora tetrasperma NEUTE1DRAFT_126529 I 0.545
SMAC_05948 Sordaria macrospora SMAC_05948 I 0.545
NCU02525 Neurospora crassa NCU02525 D 0.545
GMDG_01622 Pseudogymnoascus destructans GMDG_01622 N 0.543
V499_00363 Pseudogymnoascus pannorum V499_00363 N 0.543
CCM_06160 Cordyceps militaris CCM_06160 I 0.539
TRIATDRAFT_286212 Trichoderma atroviride TRIATDRAFT_286212 I 0.539
TRIREDRAFT_45689 Trichoderma reesei TRIREDRAFT_45689 I 0.539
DOTSEDRAFT_169698 Dothistroma septosporum DOTSEDRAFT_169698 N 0.538