AT5G26865 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
MADS box

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF00319 (SRF-TF) IPR002100 AT5G26865 T252909_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No TFs with similar DNA binding domains

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
AT5G26865.1 MADS box 1 36


Other MADS box family TFs
Other Arabidopsis thaliana TFs

16 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
fgenesh2_kg.6__2751__AT5G27070.1 Arabidopsis lyrata fgenesh2_kg.6__2751__AT5G27070.1 N 0.914
AGL54 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G27090 N 0.886
fgenesh2_kg.6__2748__AT5G27944.1 Arabidopsis lyrata fgenesh2_kg.6__2748__AT5G27944.1 N 0.886
scaffold_602835.1 Arabidopsis lyrata scaffold_602835.1 N 0.886
Bostr.29827s0112 Boechera stricta Bostr.29827s0112 N 0.886
AGL101 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G27050 I 0.771
Thhalv10005435m.g Eutrema salsugineum Thhalv10005435m.g N 0.771
Thhalv10005452m.g Eutrema salsugineum Thhalv10005452m.g N 0.771
Thhalv10028184m.g Eutrema salsugineum Thhalv10028184m.g I 0.771
Al_scaffold_0007_3741 Arabidopsis lyrata Al_scaffold_0007_3741 I 0.714
AGL77 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G38740 I 0.714
AGL81 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G39750 I 0.714
AGL76 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G40120 I 0.714
AGL43 Arabidopsis thaliana AT5G40220 I 0.714
Bra025619 Brassica rapa Bra025619 N 0.714
Thhalv10002808m.g Eutrema salsugineum Thhalv10002808m.g N 0.714