F443_10160 (Phytophthora parasitica)

TF Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CIS-BP ID Sequence source Animal TF db
PF00096 (zf-C2H2) IPR007087 F443_10160 T114260_2.00 Ensembl (2018-Dec-8) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No direct experiments

Motifs from related TFs

Name/Motif ID Species Forward Reverse Type/Study/Study ID SR
No TFs with similar DNA binding domains

DNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
ETI45183 C2H2 ZF 36 60
ETI45183 C2H2 ZF 66 90
ETI45183 C2H2 ZF 96 120
ETI45183 C2H2 ZF 127 151


Other C2H2 ZF family TFs
Other Phytophthora parasitica TFs

18 Related TFs

Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence SR
Phyra76421 Phytophthora ramorum Phyra76421 N 0.796
e_gw1.34.40.1 Phytophthora capsici e_gw1.34.40.1 N 0.791
e_gw1.2.501.1 Phytophthora capsici e_gw1.2.501.1 N 0.827
snap_masked-pve_contig_11-abinit-gene-0.108 Pythium vexans snap_masked-pve_contig_11-abinit-gene-0.108 N 0.765
PYU1_G008755 Pythium ultimum PYU1_G008755 N 0.758
PYU1_G008749 Pythium ultimum PYU1_G008749 N 0.771
PYU1_G008748 Pythium ultimum PYU1_G008748 N 0.779
Physo128919 Phytophthora sojae Physo128919 N 0.801
Phyra76423 Phytophthora ramorum Phyra76423 N 0.782
F443_10163 Phytophthora parasitica F443_10163 N 0.783
maker-piw_contig_2080-fgenesh-gene-0.2 Pythium iwayamai maker-piw_contig_2080-fgenesh-gene-0.2 N 0.763
maker-piw_contig_2080-fgenesh-gene-0.0 Pythium iwayamai maker-piw_contig_2080-fgenesh-gene-0.0 N 0.760
maker-pir_contig_2201-fgenesh-gene-0.0 Pythium irregulare maker-pir_contig_2201-fgenesh-gene-0.0 N 0.758
fgenesh_scip_prom.46568.9633 Phytophthora kernoviae fgenesh_scip_prom.46568.9633 N 0.785
fgenesh_scip_prom.46568.6498 Phytophthora kernoviae fgenesh_scip_prom.46568.6498 N 0.766
fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.9723 Phytophthora lateralis fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.9723 N 0.773
fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.9722 Phytophthora lateralis fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.9722 N 0.796
fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.660 Phytophthora lateralis fgenesh_scip_prom.28083.660 N 0.785